Antminer KA3 (166Th)

Antminer KA3 (166Th)
Hashrate Power Algorithm
166 Th/s 3154 W Kadena

Antminer KA3 is a miner produced by Bitmain that uses the Kadena algorithm with a mining hashrate of 166 Th/s and a consumption of 3154 Watts.

Daily Monthly Yearly
Income (Kadena) $4.07
9.81919612 KDA
294.57588362 KDA
3,584.00658405 KDA
Electricity -$9.08 -$272.51 -$3,315.48
Profit -5.02 -150.46 -1,830.56
Manufacturer Bitmain
Model Antminer KA3 (166Th)
Release September 2022
Size 195 x 290 x 430mm
Weight 16100g
Noise level 80db
Fan(s) 4
Power 3154W
Voltage 200-240V
Interface Ethernet
Temperature 5 - 40 °C
Humidity 10 - 90 %

Minable coins

Kadena (KDA)
Kadena (KDA)
FileName FileSize Description Publish Date
Antminer-KA3-release-202405280928.bmu 17.65MB


Release Notes:

1. Refine firmware.

Please make sure the miner type and firmware type are the same before upgrading the miner firmware.
